Sandy Balls Holiday Village - River Avon (Hampshire)


The Hampshire Avon is one of the most picturesque rivers in the country and has some excellent angling as well. There is a significant downhill walk from the campsite to get to the River located in the valley below, although in the summer I believe it is possible to drive down but you will need to check with the office on site where day tickets can be purchased.


Good Information is available here about the fishing.


The River was high and cold when I fished it in October 2016 but it was fairly clear which would be ideal for my target - Pike I had a fish of 10lb on a Smelt ledgered near the bank plus another dropped run. I then roved with lures an had several takes with only one resulting in a fish on the bank.

Unfortunately no pictures of the fish because my iPhone soon packed up after taking a few scenic pictures in the morning - it was the first time I found out that the iPhone is not very good in cold conditions and shuts itself down at a certain temperature only able to start up again when plugged into power or after warming up.


There are several platforms along the stretch but when the river is high you may struggle to get to the ones further down stream, as I did.


I hope to go back in better conditions both during the winter and summer.

#Onsitefishing, #fishingfun, #fishing, #camping


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