Adgestone (C&CCS) - Lake

Adgestone Camping and Caravanning Club Site Pool is a small donut shaped pool with an island in the centre. The bank is well established with rushes and lilies in the margins and willow trees overhanging the water from the island. There are about 7 or 8 swims to fish from. The water was relatively clear for the time of year. When I arrived I could see several shoals of 4-5 Carp cruising around and several fish in the marginal weeds.

During the session (June 2016) I caught 14 Carp ranging from 1lb to 3lb, I did see a number of bigger mirror Carp cursing around during the sunny afternoon which I would put at the 8lb mark. Although I didn’t fish for smaller fish there were plenty of small roach showing under the surface.

No maggots or floating baits are allowed, nor ground bait loose feed.

My recommended way to fish would be to use a float rod with 6-8lb mainline and a 4lb hook length to a size 14 hook and use corn, luncheon meat, worms or bread on the hook. Fish this just over the lilies or reeds and feed regularly – you will know when the carp arrive as the lilies start to move around. If you are fishing a second rod or alternating swims with 1 rod then put this to the island on a small method feeder with a 4inch hook length.

If you are after Big Carp then you will be disappointed but if you like to catch lots of fish all day then you will enjoy fishing in this tranquil little spot. Its a great little venue to get kids into fishing.


#Onsitefishing, #fishingfun, #fishing, #camping


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